Write me!

Letters to Guatemala take $1.10. Here's the address of the mission home. All packages should be sent here, and letters can be. Letters to all missionaries in the mission get distributed from there, and it shouldn't take too long for that.

Sister Victoria Katherine Ison
Guatemala Retalhuleu Mission
Iglesia Mormona, Boulevard Centenario
Salida a Coatepeque, Zona 2, Apt Postal 26

Once I get assigned to a particular area in the mission, I'll have an actual address of an apartment or house.

Apparently, mail service to my area isn't always be super reliable. Therefore, there's this thing called pouch mail where you can send a letter to Salt Lake City like you normally would, and then all the letters to people in my mission will get collected by people at Church Headquarters and sent to the mission home directly. This doesn't work for when I'm in the MTC, but applies when I actually start my mission in Reu.

The address to do pouch mail is: 

Sister Victoria Katherine Ison
Guatemala Retalhuleu Mission
POB 30150
Salt Lake City, UT 84130-0150

There are special instructions about this pouch mail business. You can only send postcards or short letters. If you send a letter (I love letters!!) you have to write it one side of a sheet of 8.5'' by 11'' paper (not notebook paper - it's too thin), fold the paper into thirds, seal the bottom with two pieces of tape placed an inch apart from each other, without any tape on the ends. Don't tape the sides shut. (Are they gonna peek inside my letters? I don't know...) Address it as given above, and put your return address and a regular stamp as you would if it were an envelope.

Then, done! Hooray. Thus begins the letter's long journey to me :)


Apparently DearElder.com lets you send a letter to me (or anyone in any of the pouch mail missions) for free. You just submit it online and they'll fold it up all fancy and send it to the pouch people and then it'll get to me, eventually. Apparently the pouch can take quite a while - but mailing a letter this way seems like it would be super convenient! And if convenience for you means more letters for me... then who cares about a delay? :) 

Also, the pouch gets sent out every Monday, so if you care about minimizing a delay, they require letters for that week to be received in Salt Lake by Friday of the week before. DearElder apparently can have them submitted until midnight (mountain time, so my college friends have til 2 a.m.) Sunday nights for that week's pouch... Hooray letters!

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